I am a software developer whom origins from cognitive science and UX, but fell in love with programming. I am currently located in Gothenburg and working with nodejs and vuejs. I love to learn new stuff, especially about code and I am a sucker for software design and clean code architecture.
Loading competences
Nodejs dependencyLoader
A simple automated dependencyLoader that automatically loads all required dependencies for a function/module in node. The dependencyLoader is published on npm.
An application that let the user forward their calls to another phone number during a given time. I made this application to a friend of mine whom can not use his private phone at work. The application uses classic MMI-codes to forward the calls. Unfortunatly a lot of phones do not suport call forwarding any more.
Bachelor thesis
Icon based indoor navigation
Research has shown that technical aid for navigation
such as Google maps has a negative impact on human navigation skills.
Now it gets more common with similar solutions indoors. We developed a solution that
navigates the user with the help of a series of icons that repressents landmarks,
this forces the user to interact with the environment.
The main focus of the thesis was to see if the concept is worth doing more research on.
My portfolio
My first web project. It was made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap. I have learned a lot doing it and I am looking forward to further web projects.
New aid for meetings
In the course Cognitive design we had a task to study meetings and find a general problem with them, and to solve that problem. The problem my team found was that people did not read the required readings before the meeting. We found that one reason for this is that the files are scattered on different platforms. Our solution was a file-gatherer that searches the users different accounts and find the relevant files, and fetches them to an application.
Fly The Flutting Flutter Flopper
During the course 'Game development with Flash and ActionScript I made a game in Starling as a final project. The game is not optimized for full screen.
Evaluation of Umeå university websites
A group project in the course "Project in Cognitive science" during my second year. Our task was to analyse, evaluate and improve the information flow in Umeå university institution websites before they divided the information to two platforms. We were not allowed to change the looks, only the content and the information division
This page is no longer in the makeing.
As a cross country skier I spend a lot of time waxing, and thinking about wax.
I wanted a place to share and store my wax-reports, and also look at other peoples
reports, so I started this project during the summer of 2016, but I have not
finished it. When I have more time on my hands I will redo this project.